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Connors Hedged Equity Fund (CVRDX)

The Connors Hedged Equity Fund (the “Fund”) seeks to achieve capital appreciation and secondarily income generation, with lower volatility than U.S. equity markets.

Why Hedged Equity?

The foundation of this approach is a portfolio of carefully selected large-cap equities. The Hedged Equity Fund typically invests in approximately 40-50 equity securities that are diversified among market sectors. We sell covered call options against these underlying stocks seeking to generate additional income and lower overall portfolio volatility.

In addition to writing covered calls, we may implement other risk-reducing measures such as purchasing protective puts, put-spread, and actively raising cash levels as we seek to outperform in down markets. This may reduce upside potential in strong markets, portfolio volatility can be reduced.


Hedged Equity Fund

Investment Objective: The Connors Hedged Equity Fund seeks to achieve capital appreciation and secondarily income generation, with lower volatility than U.S. equity markets.

  • Seeks increased cash flow with call premiums
  • Strives for enhanced returns during downward trends, although, reduces upside participation capture in upward markets

Request Additional Information

Fund Fact Sheet
Fund Documents





N-Port (as of 02/29/2024)




Semi-Annual Report


Annual Report


Financial Statements




Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses of the fund before investing. The prospectus contains this and other information about the fund, and it should be read carefully before investing. Investors may obtain a copy of the prospectus by calling 833-601-2676 or at

As with any mutual fund investment, there is a risk that you could lose money by investing in the Fund. The success of the Fund's investment strategy depends largely upon the Adviser's skill in selecting securities for purchase and sale by the Fund and there is no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objective. The Fund was formed in 2022 and has no operating history. In addition, although the principals of the Adviser have investment management experience, none have experience managing an open-end mutual fund prior to the Fund.
Investments in options involve risks different from, or possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in the underlying securities.
Large-capitalization companies are generally more mature and may be unable to respond as quickly as smaller companies to new competitive challenges, such as changes in technology and consumer tastes, and may not be able to attain the high growth rate of successful smaller companies, especially during extended periods of economic expansion.
Volatility: A statistical measure of dispersion of returns. 
Covered call: Selling a call option on an underlying long held security.
Protective put: Purchase of a put option vs a long underlying equity position or broad index that is not necessarily held. Put spreads: purchase near strike put while selling another lower strike put. Defined percentage protection against downside participation with market weakness. Usually initiated vs broad market index. 

The Connors Hedged Equity Fund is distributed by Ultimus Fund Distributors, LLC. (Member FINRA) Connors Investor Services and Ultimus Fund Distributors, LLC are separate and unaffiliated.